Honoring the Legacy of Black Wall Street

black wallstreet greenwood district memorial mural tulsa oklahoma

History has an undeniable power to inspire and guide us towards a better future. One remarkable chapter of history that continues to resonate is the story of the Greenwood district, also known as Black Wall Street, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

tulsa greenwood district black wallstreet 1938 after attackThe legacy of this prosperous community serves as the foundation for Black Business Guide. As we delve into the history of Tulsa and other similar cities, we gain a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving and building upon such legacies.


In the early 20th century, the Greenwood district in Tulsa, Oklahoma, flourished as a vibrant hub of black entrepreneurship and economic prosperity. Black-owned businesses, schools, and cultural institutions thrived, defying the racial segregation and discrimination of the era. However, this success story was tragically cut short in 1921, when a violent and racially motivated attack resulted in the destruction of the district. Despite the devastating setback, the legacy of Black Wall Street endures as a testament to the resilience and potential of black-owned businesses.

black wallstreet tulsa oklahoma burning after attack

While Tulsa's story is perhaps the most well-known, it is important to recognize that similar stories of prosperity and destruction have unfolded in other cities across the United States. Places like Rosewood, Florida; Durham, North Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia, were also once thriving black communities that faced devastation due to racial violence and systemic oppression. These lesser-known stories underscore the need to acknowledge and honor the history of black entrepreneurship and to actively support efforts that promote economic empowerment in marginalized communities.

tulsa greenwood district black wallstreet marching band

Black Business Guide draws its inspiration from these stories, aiming to preserve the legacy while empowering contemporary black entrepreneurs. As we reflect on the past, let us be inspired to build a world where black businesses not only survive but also flourish, creating a legacy of their own for generations to come.


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